RWM Maps

Now the site maps link are above all useful for the SP maps (.ssm), this type of links Being less used for RWM MP (.smm) maps (incidentally, doesn't really update) because now the MP maps are downloaded directly through the tool instaled with RWM, Swither/launcher "MMS" (Multi Mod Switcher) and its new "MS" (Map Server) fonctionality (with MMS v1.07 only, that provided by RWM 6.7).


- (direct RWM maps)
- stratetic games maps (go in right beelow "RWM 6.7" section)

Critical some SP RWM maps (& a fiew dl)


RWM SP maps (.ssm)
- Mirror SP RWM maps (ftp)
- RWM sudden-strike-maps

  RWM MP maps (.smm)
- Mirror MP RWM maps (ftp)
- RWM sudden-strike-maps

Campaign 6.7 SP maps
(special .ssm, not .ssc)
- Serie of 4 (FR) maps
00, 01, 02, 03
Instal they in Single players (.ssm) folder, and apparently the renforc of the next one depend on result of the previous result one.

Custom Campaign 6.7 SP maps (.ssx)
For this "custom campaign" maps, you must creat a new folder named "addons" (in RWM "maps" folder already existing) and in the game, open "custom" bottom in RWM "campaigns" menu.


- Training map airplane (.zip) (SS2, no testing with RWM 6.7)
See trick plane with this map.

Tools for mapping & modding,
go see section in link page

Extension maps file :
(.ssm) = single map - (.smm) = MP map - (.ssc) = campaign maps - (.ssx) = custom campaign maps