Features and Units - Little tricks
(new) This tricks for SS1/SSF but surely good for RWM too
Tricks SS2/RWM
- Used by the better players : At your rush attack, a lot infantery are kill in the first minutes (20 at 30%). For compensate that (and not only for the rush...) use in to get 1 driver out by trucks and same if you want 1 driver by tanks and as their shooting distances are shorter, place they in front of your rush
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- RWM is not SSF or HS2 and the tanks have not the same shoot distances in RWM. In the front, dont place they in the same line (row). The shortest shoots in front, etc... Until the longest shoot distance to the rear
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- How to run a plane outside the map ?
On some maps, control aircraft is paramount and can in some occasions to obtain reinforcements to parachute on the rear of the enemy, or to place a reco behind artillery and enemy AA.
To direct the aircraft, it must first take control once they took off.
In doing so, maintain the ALT key and click on the aircraft.
To guide the aircraft to the right you have to click on the rear right side of the axis direction of the aircraft (Point D), and the same principle for the left (G).
The principle of manoeuvring is the following : 
The arrival of the plane is defined by the maper at the time of compilation and it can lead to different locations (A - B - C) depending on the arrival configuration chosen by the creator. In all cases, the plane arrives in a straight line from its point of departure to the point of parachuting (T) defined temporarily.
During this approach phase, it must the more quickly as possible to
pick up again the control of the aircraft (Step 1) before it reaches its point of parachuting.
The following action is then to get the plane out of the map PERPENDICULAR at the board of this one (Step 2) then wait until the end of the manoeuvre. In all cases, KEEP CONTROL OF AIRPLANE, in risk of dont being able to retrieve it later. A plane which to go out the map and which does not receive other order, goes automatically to its starting point.
Let the aircraft begin its turn back (Step 3) before order him to go in the opposite corner of the map (R).
Once the enemy lines outdated and AA avoided (Step 4) Order a airdrop on the desired point (D).
AND THERE! The tour is played and the enemy sees landed on his rear - in choice - A reconnaissance aircraft or a parachute on a Zeppelin little or not defended.
Download a trainning plane map. To learn how use planes and towers on a map. I dont tested if it fonctionnely with RWM 6.71 version but yes with SS2 basic (Map to be placed in the dossier: sudden/game/maps/single_rwm67 or single for SS2 basic)
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