Frequently Asked Questions


- "Multiplayers & MMS (RWM launcher) guide" & "Newbie guide" in features section


What is a mod?
The RWM 'mod' is a modification of attributes (sound, skins, damages parameter...) of SS2 units, objects and shemes, to give realism and add the units that the developers left out of the game, but without changing the game-engine of basic game. But a 'mod' can too change almost totally the basic game of start with the same game-engine
(ex : There existed a 'Moderne war mod' for SS2).

I'm confused: what is the difference between this and an "addon"
or a "stand-alone"?
and SS:RW?
An addon is a fiew same a officiel mod but on top of that often in changing the game-engine as well as introducing new functionalities and/or more units (but it depend still largely of basic engine) (Sudden-strike Forever "SSF" was an addon for "SS1"). Ditto for the stand-alone but with a independent instal, in use the same game-engine too but this lets of change it Deeper ("SS:RW" -Sudden-strike : Ressource War- was a official stand-alone) (and have nothing to do with RWM). There was, however, a mod which has been surreptitiously sold as an 'unofficial stand alone'. This "unofficial stand alone" is not only published by Fireglow like sudden strike 2, its also a Mod of start to alter in stand alone.

Do I need Sudden Strike 2 to play it?
Yes, though you'll find SS2 is heavily discounted nowadays and probably won't cost you an arm and a leg. Even if it does, the minimum configuration for the game is one arm, so it shouldn't matter that much: you'll have to put your drink down to move the mouse, that's all. Attention! If you buy SS2/SS:RW "gold" edition, RWM and all mods for this version dont fonctionely, infos here

Can I still play Sudden Strike 2 if I download the mod?
Yes, the mod comes bundled with a 'mod switcher' tool named 'MultiModSwitcher' (MMS)(folder of this tool named 'ss2switcher' in SS2 folders), which enables you to switch seamlessly between the different modes. But you will must only before, select in the switcher the spull-down menu, the "CDV" input (name of the old distributing firm of the Sudden serie) and then launch SS2 basic via the switcher or traditionally. The switcher also works with other mods too (
But other mods for Sudden serie are now rare in MP games). Go on the quick instal and/or Instal pages for more informations.

Is it easy to install (& Vista)? Just click on the RWM 6.7 (+ additionnal pacth v 6.71) installer and select the correct directory (where you have installed sudden strike 2). That's it! (see infos here too, without Vista part)

Notes - before install RWM:
Before, you must haved instaled totaly "Sudden Strike II" (v 2.2) basic game : v 1.9 + patch v 1.9 to 2.0 + patch v 2.0 to 2.2 - download SSII patchs HERE (if link dont work, go in Sudden home page and search "download" page). RWM v 6.71 is only compatible with this Sudden Strike version!

Vista: Apparently the game works when if you use the Windows "NT 4 compatibility mode" in Vista. For that click left button on executable file (...Program Files\Sudden Strike II\game\code\Release\game_exe.exe) and choice
> "property" > "compatibility" > and check "use this progam in compatibility mode" and click on the pull-down menu with the list (same thing for "MultiModSwitcher.exe" locate in root folder too).
...And if you have problem of sound:
Try to delete sudden Strike "registry keys" in the section:
(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore...)
For that open "regedit.exe" in your "Windows" Folder (always the same thing in Vista ?) dont Know realy what i have doing but it works (you obtain too open "registry" to make in Windows > Start button > Run > (and type) "regedit").

For more install informations for Vista & possible install problems (maybe with Vista compatibility sound), go in my old second site on the "quick instal" (Vista & RWM section)(more info in "Instal" here too) and in RWM forums here (or here or here (DE)), here and here.

Secondary notes - before install new RWM version:

Although not very important, but if you has already instal old RWM version in same SS2 folder, I advice you to delete (only manually possible) older RWM versions in your SS2 instal folder.
- .../Sudden.../game/'RWM...' The good RWM 6.71 folder to keep in 'RWM' folder is 'Rwm6.7', maybe only this with the upper-case R ? (at check)
And delete this folder too
- .../Sudden.../ss2switcher/'RWM...' (the good RWM 6.71 folder to keep in 'ss2switcher' folder is named 'rwm6.7f').

Secondary notes - after install RWM & about "MMS":
> Launch MMS (MultiModSwitcher/Laucher)(new icon "ss2 modswitcher" in your descktop), once with administrative rights and press the "Fix Config" button, choose RWM in pull-down menu, close MMS and re-open it (next see "How do I find multiplayer games...?" question beelow).
> I delete too regularly the files with (.!!!) extension, in my ".../Sudden.../game" folder. This files pose not problem and they appear after of bugs MP maps (BTW, etc...) and are useless and often they weigh heavy (+/- 20 Mo by file).
> Too, but I dont know if this is important ? Personnaly I prefer delete the files named "synclost.s" which appear too after a bug of "synclost" with BTW (back to windows) in MP games. In your "pseudo" folder (at moment) that you use in game (ex the actual mine : ...\Sudden Strike II\game\plr\savegames\your name...).

If I use Firewall and/or router ? What are the ports I must open for play and host in MP ? Information here

Will I need a more powerful computer to run RWM?
Not really but I think a fiew even so, although the maximum number of buildings, objects and units has been doubled, and the ranges for guns have been increased and a lot new skins units too. If you have a reasonably quick computer which didn't struggle with SS2 you will have normaly no problems.
Personnaly I recommend this minimum Hardware & soft:

- Windows XP or Vista - Direct X 9.0c - Processor 1.7 Ghz type Pentium IV or AMD Athlon +2000 - 1 Go RAM - Connection 512 kb and more, but already with 128 kb a think it's already possible.
(above all in MP and big map 384 & 512 and/or 10/12 players) (with more small MP maps & in SP, less configuration is possible).

If you have problems, ex : "lag", "Freeze" (frozeen), BTW (Back To Windows), "drop" and/or bugs "game.exe.exe". Go read that Technical advices for play of way optimized with RWM (and all others games) HERE (UK but more short) or HERE (FR but more detailed). But if your problems continuous, sorry but change your PC or play only in SP...

If you have a slow PC, I suggest you test this excellent software named "Game Accelerator", specially effective for some games, but valid for all the games, of which all Sudden serie & mods. I use it, but sorry, actually I have no the valid Warez link (and which contained the patch/crack to make it work), but you can maybe find it by "Per to Per" software or in Bittorrent site download? or buy it... I don't think which exist an evaluation test version.
Editor sites:
Site where I find the warez:

After much persuasion, Tally-ho finally
decided to install RWM

How do I find multiplayer games & see IP database?
RWM can be launched only with the tool named "MultiModSwitcher" (MMS) (see here) (switcher/launcher/hoster/IP database of RWM & game) & installed automaticly with a icon on your desktop. Click on "multiplayer launcher" button to see the games currently being hosted. If you click on the "host" button, it will enter your IP into the database and load up SS2/RWM for you so that you can choose a map to play. Couldn't be easier! And since the RWM 6.71 (and MMS v1.07), "MMS" includ a new fantastic fonctionnality named [MS] (Map Server). Now the MP maps are downloaded well more quickly directly through of "MMS"!

When play in MP (MultiPlayer on line)?
Actually RWM is play in MP all days, the most of people about 6 at 8 and 10 at 12 o'clock PM (GMT +1, West and center Europe time). If you dont see MP games at this hour in the "MMS" tool, it's that you have a problem (see "instalation" page in my second site).

Why is it called Real Warfare Mod? (
But it could have also called 'Real WW2 Mod', personally I preferred, but I m not in moder team ;) ). Because the moders have tried to give it as much WW2 realism as possible without ruining gameplay. There were a whole host of mistakes by fireglow that have been corrected. See the "features" page for info on what RWM has done to SS2. We think you'll find that not only are there new units with a more plausible damage and experience system, but its also a hell of a lot more fun.