For play MP if you hav problem
to firewall, ports & router


- (New) Sudden Strike firewalls & routers infos
(originaly for SS1/SSF but I think work too for SS2/RWM)

(Not of me, different commentaries to find about that)

1. Server name - add one at the time, hence sudd1, sudd2
2. IP address of your computer BEHIND the router, the one you established while setting up static address.


If you using a router, then you need to open up a couple ports including 2 or 3 port ranges.
First of all, you need to assign a static Lan IP to your PC.
Then you need to configure your router (and your firewall as well) and open up / forward following Ports :
TCP 47626, TCP 6073, TCP 2300-2400, TCP 28800-28900.
In some cases you also need to open / forward the following :
27900 (Master Server UDP Heartbeat)
28900 (Master Server List Request)
29900 (GP Connection Manager)
29901 (GP Search Manager)
13139 (Custom UDP Pings)
6515 (Dplay UDP)


Open range port from 2302 to 2400 for tcp and udp and try to play with same pc = same ip config ex
If you open port for your pc ip adress with end 0.2 so pc number 2 i guess play RWM with pc2+ ip0.2
Use mac adress to fix it the pc you play is always 0.2 at end

And more here