You like RWM ?
Promote & adversiting for it
How to make to the adversiting and promote RWM?
Several posibilities:
Note for 1- and 2- points:
Above all without your real IP game! The SSF players risk to come in RWM without RWM installed... The new RWM players must understand that it's only after haved installed RWM, that they see the good RWM IP in "MMS" tool!
And for the all points, post only some messages please,
1- "GameSpyArcade"
Still of players play with old and Vanilla Sudden SSF version.
To publicize RWM at this players, go in SSF main chat in "GameSpyArcade" (click), donwload and install the "GameSpyArcade" little sofware/toll chat, configure it and in Sudden Strike chat, post this type to message:
>>Want play WW2 realistic in MP Sudden 2.2? More Units & improve: Skins! Sounds! Schemes! Special effects! Damages system!
PLAY "RWM" (Real Warfare Mod) v 6.71. THE BEST realistic WW2 RTS! (free) -- Site: (& UK)<<
2- "CDV" IP form.
(ex distributor to Sudden serie)
- Clik on "IP hinzufügen"
- Translate to UK explanation page CDV IP here
- In first field (IP) enter a wrong IP (or same me, only a wrong last number of your IP) and enter the number to messages that you want in change only the last IP number. And a different message in second (Nickname) & last field (Anmerkung). You completing the others fields only one time, they remain the sames.
- "" (first field) / "STOP VANILLA!"(second field) /
"+2..." (number to the remaining players)(last
- Return with the Explorer button on previous page for avoid to rewrite all the fields.
Etc. change the three main fields
- / "http://shadock" / " (&UK)"
- / "When install RWM" / "you see good IP"
- / "You see IP with..." / "tool "LAUNCHER""
- / "More realism!" / "Come play RWM 6.71!!"
Every time after have finish to completing the form, clik on "IP hinzufungen" (submit) button.
3- "ARENA"
Here do as you please, promote RWM in diferrent chats to differents Sudden mods. If you dont like Vanilla/Arcade way to play & game, dont test "HSII", you would be disappointed, above all in MP games ;)
4- Exist also Sudden mods game ("RWG" Real War Mod, principaly) on "Hamachi" servers. And you have all games forums and sites of world for promote RWM! THX
Help us spread the word! Below is the RWM banner, please add it
to your website and get everyone playing this fab free mod!

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