Original text by Gojira - Revised by Last Soldier - Nicely spaced out by Shadock...
------------------------------a few introductory words--------------------------
This guide shall give you an introduction into the multiplayer part of RWM and it shall minimize the frustration you possibly have as newbie AND also as experienced player. I’m half of a beginner too but that can be also an advantage.
The multiplayer-gameplay has a rather high level. At least you should learn the basics of the game in the singleplayer part before you dare to enter the arena. Someone who can’t distuinguish between a Panther and a Churchill should continue practicing. If you feel yourself reminded of politicians or cats of prey you should uninstall Sudden Strike and everything that belongs to it immediately. Wink No science-fiction here…
If you like Sudden Strike, regardless which part of the series, you will see what’s really possible with RWM installed on top of Sudden Strike 2! I’m speaking of one of the most exciting and haunting game-experiences ever of my 17year gaming career. Adrenaline, satisfaction, panic, revenge, deceitfulness, surprise and enjoyment will no longer be unknown – if you give the game a chance.
You will be really proud if an experienced player says: “You played really well.”!
To make this kind of feedback possible there is this guide. Read it carefully. In my opinion it’s really useful.
----------What you should avoid in multiplayer----------------------------
- React on the writings of your mates in the chat. Nothing is more frustrating than seeing a team member being slaughtered next to you without answering. Please answer! It’s no problem to answer: “Sorry I’m unable / I can’t manage the situation!”.
That’s not a problem at all – but show that you are there. Please! (keywords “Ventrilo”, “Teamspeak”)
- Do not do any massive attacks without reading how to do that (see further
below)! You are not playing Command & Conquer where you can send masses of
tanks towards the enemy and win.
- CAMPING FORBIDDEN! Someone thinking: „I let my units stay at the starting point and don’t risk loosing them” will die together with the teammates and shouldn’t wonder about some angry comments…
ALL maps can only been won if you play as a team and build up a consistent front with your mates. You MUST defend the flank of the players of your team! Otherwise he can be attacked from 2 players in his flanks. In the worst case your mate will be erased by the enemy and the zeppelin is gone… The effect: → the enemy gets fresh reinforcements and you will be erased later too!
- Have an eye on your reinforcements! Set waypoints so that your units don’t
move near enemy units and don’t forget your reinforcements at the starting
point (If you see lots of pulsating circles on your minimap which centre is
near your starting postion, it mostly indicates that an attentive teammember
wants to show you that you have forgotten your reinforments that just arrived
at the starting position). Just as much, you should pay attention that your
reinforcements don’t drive directly into the enemy defence. The enemy often
awaits your newly arrived units with some riflemen and just kills some of your
trucks with all the infantry inside. To lose your fresh supplies that way can
be your doom!
- It’s annoying if the enemy kills one of your Tigers just at the beginning but don’t react by starting a massive attack – you will lose much more troops…
Don’t ignore your teammate’s advices – they know better. REALLY
they do know better. You don’t have to proof yourself in the first games as
you’re not able to. Even someone who is really great in playing singleplayer has
to adapt to the new multiplayer-gameplay! It takes time. Please be patient and
don’t let yourself getting stressed especially by quitters!

at first:
Forget to the passiveness of the singleplayer-mode. Every defence can be
overrun! The enemy will attack your AT-Guns with infantry and MG-vehicles and
your tanks with his tanks. They are not as dumb as the game’s AI, which is
only attacking the nearest unit in sight! Everything is going to happen
simultaneously during the attack. In a few seconds, your position can be
overrun… You have to learn to do multitasking – to coordinate many things
the same time is normally the main problem at the beginning: You are busy,
people give stupid comments via chat and nevertheless teammates tell you to
execute their advices immediately… Later you’re often in the situation that you
have to be active at several hotspots (I can’t manage the situation too if
there are 3 locations or more that I have to handle…)
Even if you played very well… you can lose. And you can win… even if your team played not that good.
- Know your yoe! Know your friends! Get known to the units. Learn how quick
your units are, the penetrating power and the toughness – you should also
know your opponent’s units!
- Look at your comrade’s positions because in that way you can see
where you have to build up your force. Furthermore, the position of your front
is determined by the position of your starting place. If you start on the
right, your front will be on the right. If you start in the middle, your front
will be in the middle of the map and so on.
- The game is about zeppelins (short: zep) that have to be conquered with all your effort! You need reinforcements! Otherwise you will be overrun in time! With only one zep you can’t win – most important are the first few minutes! They can decide whether you win or lose!!! (IMPORTANT)
When you move your mouse-cursor over the zeps on the minimap you can see which zeps belong together and which of these are single-zeps. Sometimes you need to gain control over a whole group of zeps that belong together to get reinforcements – sometimes one is sufficient. Look on the map how the zeps are connected. If there is e.g. a group of four zeps from which two are held by you and your team and you are attacked at one of these zeps by a large enemy force, you won’t need to defend it at any cost because the enemy needs to capture all of these zeps to gain fresh supplies!
Try to build up a front in line with your mates so that the enemy can’t easily capture the zep and also in a way that your teammate’s flanks are not jeopardised by enemy troops. It’s better the enemy AND you don’t have a zep than getting erased while defending it. As time goes by you will get a feeling how the arrangement of your and your enemie’s forces is. It isn’t always the better choice to capture the zep in front of you while your teammate’s frontlines are crushed and the opponent is on move towards your starting position and your back. That’s the dynamics of the game which you will learn to estimate the right way over time… Sometimes (e.g. some seconds before you get heavy reinforcements) you can leave the recapturing of the zep in the hands of your comrades while you are starting another attack in the meantime. It can also happen in this case that the enemy is fast and erases all of your reinforcements…
- Use officers!!! Sight is what it’s all about. Position them 20 metres behind the first line – they are a worth target for your enemy so be careful with them…
- Try to get an advantage – e.g. drive with a jeep just at the beginning some meters ahead of a zep towards the enemy and also use the driver of the jeep to occupy some buildings AHEAD OF your future frontline on the side of the opponent’s part of the map. It’s always nice to know what the enemy is building up there…
Be advised by what I said about gaining advantages (drive forward with fast units to occupy buildings just before the frontlines are build up)! For that purpose, you can also use the drivers from trucks. In most cases, you have some empty trucks left which you can use. They are fast and not good in fighting – but drivers can see as much as other units. So use them for reconnaissance!!
Everything depends on the situation!!! Was it wise this case to counter an enemy attack with an attack by yourself it can be better next game to stay at your defence position. If this time, a defensive gameplay was more effective it could be an offensive one next time!
Only if you made the basic preparations at the beginning you will have space for offensive operations afterwards – only who gains the iniative in the right moment will win.
--------------------------Buildings and
Whenever possible capture
every house and set up a mixture of hidden und fighting units in the buildings.
Lost positions are easier to recapture this way. When there are bunkers: use
them!!! To occupy as much as possible buildings with units set on “hold fire” is
one of the MOST BASIC tactics!

---------------------------Attack on an enemy
Use infantry during attacks on the
opponent. The soldiers will divert the shells of the AT-guns and they will kill
the crew of the AT-guns just as the crew of AA-guns. NEVER let your infantry run
behind your attack force while everything that has an engine is driving right
into the enemie’s defence (and getting annihilated…)!!!
MG-vehicles: they work best when you let them drive along waypoints instead of letting them attack a specific target. They will fire automatically and if the waypoints are set in a good way they won’t make these deadly stops to turn towards the next waypoint. Of course when there is a really dangerous cannon you have to let the mg-vehicle or infantry attack the cannon. (Of course, infantry in front of tanks which are in front of infantry is also super!) Infantry is the spearhead of every attack! Let these poor pigs run in front of you! Especially these 2-men-MG-units are valuable – in the beginning phase they often destroy a whole truck together with the soldiers inside. Use this kind of unit very carefully – positioned right it can erase many enemy infantry. Furthermore, they are also vital during attack but pay attention that they are moving slower than normal infantry.
Sometimes it’s possible to start a distraction… if possible: do it! It can be useful if the enemy is moving tanks and units away from the position he wanted to attack from. Don’t forget: The opponent has also only one brain – if you keep him busy at several points you will have more chances and time. Another thing that’s helpful are armoured MG-vehicles which you can move into enemy lines by using waypoints (don’ let them Stop) – maybe they kill the crew of some guns or officers or bazooka-soldiers which can also hurt a Tiger. Also let them drive behind the enemy frontline – the guns will turn and you can make fast attack – it can work… An 88 AA-gun for example is especially vulnerable when firing on planes. TIMING! In particular fast armoured vehicles are important at the beginning – send them to a vulnerable position while the frontlines are build up – they will cause confusion and you gain time – sometimes your unit even manages to break through to one of the zeps far away from you in enemy territory or it can kill important units vital for the enemy’s front. A crippled truck with AT-gun can be a great advantage at your part of the front!
VERY IMPORTANT: Cannons are mobile – use this ability!!!!! Sometimes the only possibility to control a conquered area is using cannons.
Dancing with tanks: Try keep an security zone free of units for your long-range tanks (heavy tanks or other useful tanks, SU/Nashorn) in which these tanks can (if possible) reverse (infantry that stands in the way of the tanks will make them turn which is really dangerous as there back will show towards the enemy). Keep in mind to have some fast tanks available to help if your long-range tanks are attacked. Often the enemy sends some fast light tanks to attack e.g. your Nashorn – so care also for fast escort and maybe you don’t even have to move away your long range tank when some enemy units are going to attack.
A Nashorn flanked by two Panthers is one of a hell setup. If you shot a monster like the Stalin-tank so that it’s hitpoints are red-coloured, it will be sometimes much more reasonable to let it die as hitpoints will slowly decrease after time instead of risking your tanks by attacking the slowly dieing Stalin. Rather often new terrain can be occupied this way – namely by a successful dance with your tanks. But you should use your infantry for further advancement and not your tanks – because quite often there is a second line of enemy tanks behind the line you just cleared – as I said: don’t show everything you have – the enemy won’t show their units, too. After some dancing with your tanks, there is often the chance to start a massive attack…
When you have infantry on tanks for better sight, don’t forget to remove them before attacking. It’s really annoying to see your tanks being killed with all the soldiers on them – Maybe just these soldiers can knock out the AT-gun that’s shooting on your tanks.
In combat it can be very useful to give your tanks multiple targets by using command strings (by using the shift-key) – select your tanks and let them all together destroy a single enemy tank the same time one by one – certainly that has to be in a senseful order. Let all your heavy tanks shoot on the enemy heavy tanks and let your small ones attack the small ones of your enemy while e.g. you assign your Stugs on the T34s and let them afterwards attack the bigger tanks and everything by using chain commands. If you assigned commands that way, you will in most cases have enough time to bring in some extra guns from your base (AGAIN USE CHAIN COMMANDS!!!!!) – these guns can influence the battle in your favour!!!!!! It’s really effective if you can manage to bring in e.g. a 88 AA-gun – you will have a huge advantage! Sometimes moving it some metres ahead can be enough to neutralize the most dangerous units of you enemy!
AGAIN: Cannons are mobile – use this ability!!! Sometimes, only a few guns can secure a recently conquered area respectively, help winning a battle!
Always keep in mind during attack that your enemy probably laid some mines in the area you can’t see (when there are pioneeres on the map…) especially if the opponent was barely active the last time. If he also build some tank-obstacles it will be likely that there is a minefield. Always take some infantry with you to be able to clear the mines!
During assault I often take an officer with me which I let stop half the way and use his binoculars (use chain commands) for better sight. In general you should always take care of separating valuable units just as sniper, officers and bazooka-soldiers from your infantry force so that they are not send to slaughter without any sense. There can be always a situation later where you can be in need of them!

experienced player will (normally) never rush only with tanks towards your
position – except he has superior material in such a way that your AT-guns
are no danger to his tanks.
Never put your tanks in a line on the battlefield – they will be shot one by one by enemy long–range tanks (SU85/ SU100, Nashorn…). The enemy will move these tanks forward for a short time, shoot and then will immediately reverse. This single shot can cost a Panther if it’s is showing the back to the enemy tank. → Always turn your tanks with the front towards the enemy! An Elefant has also a vulnerable back. Don’t forget this. Set especially your Elefant on hold fire because that way it won’t turn and show his vulnerable flank. In the same way, all my tanks are set on “don’t move” – otherwise they will move automatically and sometimes one or two centimetres can already be deadly.
A relatively good defence is: some infantry evenly spread (so that several soldiers don’t get killed by one shot in case of enemy gunfire) as first line, behind them some AT-guns with some tanks – in case of the germans the Nashorn should be placed a little bit behind secured by paks. Use the Nashorn to drive several times foward and backward („dancing“). Never let one of your tanks in front of your defence-line. When not absolutely necessary don’t position your top tanks (Tiger, Panther etc.) in the first line (danger of getting killed by a Stalin or SU). However, sometimes you need them as kind of fortress or to act as a deterrent.
As is said:
EVERY DEFENCE CAN BE CRACKED! THERE IS NO PERFECT DEFENCE! A line of Stalins in the first line probably teaches respect but if they are not flanked well by some fast tanks, they will be easily neutralised by playing tank dancing (move forward…backward…). (Before someone has some counter-examples – a Tiger can certainly scare 3–4 T34, but when it’s not necessary don’t risk your top tanks). Try to shield your tanks with AT-guns and other units – 2 Panther standing beside or behind an 88mm AA-gun will be respected by your opponent and will give you some time to plan the next movements.
- tanks should never be blocked by infantry, they have to be manoeuvrable
- shield your top tanks like the Elephant with sufficient AA-guns –
these colossi are often the primary target of your opponent’s bomber! In
case of need try to arrange with your teammates!
- align your defence after the terrain – on a cliff or between buildings etc. … but always(!) have an eye on the frontline as a whole. That means if the flank of your teammate is naked you have to move your defence forward even if the terrain is worse there.
Whenever possible don’t show everything you have available – don’t move all your tanks in sight of your enemy. 2–3 tanks unknown by your opponent that can step into battle can take out some enemy tanks important for enemy’s success. In addition, a Panther that moves only forward in case of combat to take out some enemy tanks can cool down your enemy’s will to attack. If the enemy cancels the attack (this could be your chance), the enemy tanks will probably show their backs or flanks to you and this enables you to kill much heavier tanks even with some lighter units and eventually youself can conquer some ground. Rather often, a failed attack turns the balance in favour of you and you have the chance to gain some ground.
What you should take account of: Every shell fired by tanks is valuable. That means it should be fired on an enemy tank. If the enemy is rushing towards you, your tanks firing on the infantry and enemy tanks are advancing, this will possibly be your doom. Your guns the same way: With an 88mm AA-gun you should always fire on tanks and not waste shells and time on infantry (same with AT-guns). Place some MGs near your guns to protect them from infantry. In general, care for sufficient infantry guarding. An unmanned MG is worthless – use it even it looks small and unimpressive!
Don’t let yourself getting encircled – the frontline can span over a quarter or half of the map – don’t let the enemy move pass your front – it’s really annoying if you have to move some valuable units away from the main front in order to recapture a zep behind your frontlines. Paratroopers are known for this kind of annoyment – if there are paras you have to try to protect all your zeps well. Position some small soldier and tanks as rapid deployment force not too near to the zeps so that the tanks can’t be wasted by bazookas or AT-guns(which can also be dropped). It’s the same thing here: NEVER LET YOUR TANKS ALONE – except you have a vast advantage over your enemy.
A nasty trick: Place an 88m gun in a way that it is hidden by a zeppelin. That’s a nice surprise if something comes in range and gets destroyed while the opponent doesn’t know where the shot came from. The game has only one perspective – you can use that too.
If pioneers are available, mine the area. Arrange with your teammates. Lay minefields and set up AT-guns massively at one part of the frontline. This will free some of your units for a push. Mines can be really mean und are always used by experienced players. Remember the slogan of the mineseekers: The one who searches will find. The one that steps on will be erased…
It’s no shame to retreat sometimes if you are clearly outgunned – try to rescue everything you can – everything can be valuable in the appropriate situation!!!! (in one case I managed to capture a zep with 6 crewmen of some trucks because I had nothing else left) Hopefully you had occupied the buildings around there with soldier set on “hold fire” – this will make reconquering easier respectively makes some teasing/partisan-operations easier (you have more sight and it’s therefore easier to use chances as when enemy tanks are unguarded and showing their back and so on…)
If you notice that you have all your tanks but the enemy has twice as much (because there are two of them) there are two possibilities: either your take everything and retreat or you ask your team for help. When the situation is overwhelming, the first thing is to tell this to your team. Eventually you can hold your position with their help. When there are two enemies gangbanging on you, COMMUNICATE! If there’s nobody helping you or you are at a bad position, you will have to retreat. If the flank of your teammate is in danger because of your retreat, it’s vital to TELL him!
Take a look on the „all-units-map“ of RWM – you’ll see that the Panzer4’s gun can not penetrate the SU100’s front armour. So if possible try to avoid senseless tankbattles. On the other hand you can win some time (e.g. for retreat, or for moving some flamethrowers, cannons or bazookas towards the enemy tank while he’s busy).
Also some mines laid around a zep is a nice greeting towards the enemy.
the terrain for your advantage – if there’s a line of trees, then
there will be certainly an AT-gun or something worse behind. Same with hills on
which you have normally no sight.
- try to align your defence positions after the terrain. Use the hills, buildings etc… In doing so you must always(!) keep an eye on the frontline as a whole. That means if the flanks of your teammates are in danger because you don’t protect their flanks, you will have to move your defence a little bit ahead even the terrain isn’t that good there.
----------------------Your relation to the
Have an eye on your
teammates – if your position can be easily defended, you can move some
units to help your mate. If he just occupied some ground, send two AT-guns to
him to help him securing the area. HELP WHERE YOU CAN! Sometimes you’ll witness
that your front is rather secure while hell is going to break loose at your
mate’s position. Now you have to decide whether you help him with some
troops (when his front is going to collapse) or you use the trouble to make a
push at your location or another one where maybe another teammate is trying to
make a push, because together it’s easier to break through (when your
teammate is able to defend himself). You have to decide on your own!
When you’re a little bit uncertain or you don’t want to concentrate on different spots (help others and defend your position the same time), you can give some of your units to your mates. Press Backspace (the long small one with the arrow on it above the Enter-key) – now your mousecursor becomes golden – and then press the right mousebutton while the cursor is above a unit of the person you want to transfer your units to. Now they belong to him. Not always this has to be a tank… sometimes your mate is in desperate need of a pioneer or an officer. The transfer of units can be vital for your team’s success! Repair a tank of your ally occasionally.
Help him in fortifying his position – one or two AT-guns on his flank can save him from nasty sideattacks. One or two Panther as well as an AT-gun on an overrun position can provide some security but you always have to measure which units you can spare. Moreover, it can occur that you have to provide sight for your ally. When he lost the majority of his infantry and his tanks are alone on battlefield without sight, send him some soldiers or fast units so that he’s not blind anymore. You can be a huge help when you provide him with sight.
SHOW THAT YOU ARE STILL THERE! THERE IS A CHAT INTEGRATED IN THE GAME AND/OR YOU CAN MAKE USE OF EXTRA PROGRAMMS LIKE “TEAMSPEAK” OR “VENTRILO” . RIGHT THE LATTER PROGS ARE MAKING A GOOD COMMUNICATION POSSIBLE! Both of them are programmes with which you can speak with your teammates by using a microphone! It’s a great advantage when you can speak freely and arrange your proceeding instead of writing everything with your keyboard. And it’s also way faster to cry for help than using the chat in a stressful situation. Download these progs and ask for the IP you have to enter in these progs respectively whether there is a Server available.
--------------The units in comparison with each other –
http://rwm.site.voila.fr/fichiers/Units_RWM_6.6_tableau_UK.xls (*)
(named 6.6 but regularly updated with last RWM version)
And below its different and very complementary table that you can print for play
http://rwm.site.voila.fr/fichiers/ligth_table_units_rwm_6.7_UK.doc (*)
(dont view this file with "Worpad" software, very bad color, use Word or its free viewer)
As well you should take a look on the “All-Units-Map” supplied with RWM to get familiar with the units. Let some of the tanks combat each other and you’ll know which tankbattles are reasonable and most notably which not(!).
(*) Files for "Excel" and "Word" softwares, exist free viewers for they in Microsoft site
are vital. They are often loaded in Jeeps (when there are pilots in them don’t
use them to fulfil the “gain an advantage”-lesson from the beginning). When they
are available: use them! A paratrooper-action can often give you essential
advantages! There are also maps where you have bombers. Let them attack without
cease! They’ll blow lots of enemy units! When I play, I send them to
attack and after their return, I send them again – also to help my
mates. À propos: on one of Kleist’s map enemy paratroopers with AT-guns
were sent to my starting position which killed all my reinforcements and one of
my mates had to clear the situation… Nice tactic… If there are bombers or dive
bombers save them for dangerous units as Kingtigers, Elephants, Jagdpanthers,
sometimes for Tigers or the enemy general.
Always have an eye on the enemy AA-guns. Your bomber can be shot down faster than you would like to. Whenever possible fly around AA-positions or dark spots between target and airport: give the plane a secure target, catch him in the air, change target and repeat this until the way is cleared. Attention: chain commands don’t work here as the plane will drop the bombs/paratroopers at the very first target.
In regard of enemy bombers: if there’s only one Elefant (or other super heavy tanks) it would be ideal to protect it with as much AA-guns as possible. This tank will be the primary target. Exactly in this case, transferring units to another player is useful. Moreover, don’t forget to repair the airports when they are damaged and never leave any units on the airport because they can cause explosive accidents. The Crosshair available on some maps does not always call fighter planes but fighter-bombers. This type of plane has one or two bombs. Target a tank with it otherwise the bomb will go down somewhere else but not where it would be effective. Whether there will come a fighter plane or a fighter-bomber depends on the map. Only knowledge of the map helps here or you can ask the other players.
Controls and tactics:
Shift-Key: bombing
SHIFT+CTLR: Waypoint
ALT+CLICK (on plane): Take
command of a plane while it’s in the air
An example: Bomber with
3 bombs
Waypoint + Waypoint + bomb target(1) + Waypoint +bomb target(2)
+ Waypoint That way the plane will head for the first two waypoints, bomb
target(1), next waypoint, bomb target(2) and fly back through the last waypoint
(maybe to avoid some AA-positions)
When you send fighter-bombers to attack a target, always set a waypoint after the first target because in the case you lose sight of the target the bomber would normally turn and fly back and the bomber would be lost and without any use. If you spot a better target in the meantime: Catch the fighter-bomber by ALT+Click and select the new target.
When launching a bomber from an airport people say that you shouldn’t try to
control the plane in the air because otherwise the landing place can get
blocked. This is only true in some cases because bombers should only be
controlled until a specific moment.
- bomber is on the way back
- bomber has dropped first bomb
If you try to control your plane AFTER these cases, one landing place
will be jammed. Most times, there is more than one place available so you can
catch your plane and command it to land somewhere else. But sometimes there is
only one landing slot available…
approach à la Maik: The target’s position is near the border of the map. In this case, set a waypoint beside the map in the black area so that the attack will come from the side. Often the enemy doesn’t recognise the attack that way and he has no time to save his units. Also AA-positions are avoided.
Keyboard layout for Sudden Strike 1 as PDF http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WU1KYPIH
Keyboard layout for Sudden Strike 2 as PDF http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IISIJPMG
- HOW TO GROUP: Select the desired units, CTRL + number(0–9).
It’s vital to form groups. I do always assort my artillery into
group “1”. That way I only need to press “1” to easily control my my
artillery to command an area strike. Try to find your own system in arranging
groups – everyone has it’s own preference.
Example: This way I select all my officers and assign them to group “2”
so I always have a binocular at hand.
- CHAIN COMMANDS: „SHIFT“ + desired command. Example: Select a tank, press
CTRL, Rightclick on several enemy units – they will be attacked in the
given order. OR: select a truck coupled with an AT-gun, “SHIFT” + set
waypoint, “unload-command” at your frontline – the truck will drive the
set way and will then uncouple the gun at the desired location. This way you
can send cannons from your reinforcements at the starting position to your
- CHAT FUNCTION: ENTER-Key = Allies, SHIFT + ENTER = to everyone
When you’re shaky about what is to do just ask your teammates!
- SIGNALS ON THE MINMAP: If you press CTRL and click on the minimap there
will occur a signal on the minimap which can be seen by your allies – in
many cases your teammates want to show you this way in the beginning where
they plan to set up their positions.
- TACTICAL MAP: (doesn’t work on every map) Press „m“ und you will see all
visible units – also enemies in building (hidden soldiers too!).
That’s really handy because you can recognise by the colour who is
playing where and whether you are attacked or rushed by two or more enemy
players together – in this case cry loudly for help!
- STORM ENEMY BUILDINGS: Select your infantry and press „hold fire“, press
ALT + D and rightclick on the building – was told this way in chat.
I have not verified this…
- WHEN DO THE REINFORCEMENTS ARRIVE?: Press (this is different on the
various keyboard layouts it can be “ö” or “;” and so on. Normally it should be
the key right of the “L” key) the key right of the “L”-key and you’ll see when
reinforcements will arrive.
- HOLD FIRE: „T“ (Normally it takes some time till the „Hold Fire“ command
is executed respectively shown – don’t waste time in waiting! Select a
soldier, press “hold fire” and send them to a house and then select the next
one even the symbol showing the state of the “hold fire” command hadn’t
changed already (red cross). The command will be executed with short delay.
(Maybe that doesn’t sound important but it can save much time during
occupation of a town)
the zep on the minimap (important to ponder which zep to attacks)
- „COMMAND PLANES": „Alt+ Click“
- „TRANSFER UNITS“: Select the units, press "BACKSPACE“, the cursor will
turn golden, right click on a unit of the desired teammate